Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminars

NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminars

Short Description:

Teaches strategies people can integrate into their everyday lives to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

More Details:

A complete seminar may last as long as four or five hours and include the entire lesson plan, but a modified seminar may be as short as one or two hours and cover topics that best suit the needs of a particular audience. This is not a firearms instruction course, and does not include instruction in physical combat self-defense. Seminars teach common weaknesses that criminals may take advantage of, and a variety of corrective measures that are practical, inexpensive and easy to follow. The seminar includes classroom instruction on criminal psychology, automobile crimes; cyber safety, home security, and a variety of crime prevention strategies including carjack avoidance techniques, use of personal safety devices, and more. Students receive the Refuse To Be A Victim® student handbook, NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® brochure, NRA Become A Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor Brochure, Refuse To Be A Victim® Firearms Supplement, and a course completion certificate.

  • Course price: $75.00
  • To register now, click the dollar icon below to register and make your non-refundable payment in full for this class.
  • OR to register now, and make a non-refundable deposit to hold your seat in this class: $50.00
  • Click the Quarter dollar icon below to register and a deposit to hold your seat in this class.

Call me to make sure a class isn’t sold out before you make a deposit please.

To browse our secure online store, click the ‘shopping cart’ icon below to see a listing of all the courses we provide:

NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor Development Workshop

Short Description:

Women and men interested in becoming Refuse To Be A Victim® instructors attend a one- to two-day Instructor Development Workshop to acquire the training and credentials required to teach Refuse To Be A Victim Seminars in the community. The workshop, generally takes about 12 hours to complete.

More Details:

Instructor Development Workshops are taught by Regional Counselors and begin with a Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminar. In general, seminars heighten public awareness of what can and should be done to stay safe. The workshop then focuses on the technical aspects of the program; instructor expectations; certification guidelines; speaking and presentation skills; and marketing strategies.

  • Course price:  $200.00 Note: This price is less than the on-line version of this class, and you will benefit from having a live instructor to interface with during this training.
  • To register now, click the dollar icon below to register and make your non-refundable payment in full for this class. Sorry, I do not accept deposits on Instructor Level Courses.

    Call me to make sure a class isn’t sold out before you make a deposit please.

    To browse our secure online store, click the ‘shopping cart’ icon below to see a listing of all the courses we provide:

    Need a class, but short on time? Not all classes have students scheduled in them. Call me… possibly I can do a class to fit YOUR schedule! Classes (Concealed Carry included) do not have to be completed in one sitting! Let’s talk… 1-270-893-5808

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    Search for classes by month. Then click on the specific class, on the calendar below, for further information and a map to our location.

    Calendar of Events

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    These dates are suggested dates and can be adjusted to your schedule. Call me if they don’t work for you.


    Gift Certificates are available for your convenience:

    CONTACT ME:  You can request a special class date, time or location here, and I’ll contact you within 24 hours.  Contact me via email, or call 1-270-893-5808 for questions or group rates.


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