Marksmanship Instruction:
We have many techniques and training aids to assist in learning and improving marksmanship from beginner level through advanced.
For example, we connect a Bluetooth device to the accessory rail of your firearm, just like you would any other firearm attachment. Each shot is scored depending on how much you moved away from your target during the trigger pull. This device couples with an app that will develop very finite trigger control by giving you real time feedback and an image showing how you moved the gun prior to, during, and after the trigger break.
Details: The perfect score is 100 (impossible unless locked in a vice). This device transmits data to me enabling us to analyzing an individual shot or the group of shots. The software provides you with a suggestion that will improve your shooting mechanics.
Some sample output reports are shown on the Pistol and Rifle subtabs under this Subject tab.
Works with live fire, dry fire, Airsoft, and CO2.
Some sample analysis reports:
Tracks the movement, during the last 200 milliseconds, of your rifle’s barrel during the trigger pull. Shots are grouped according to movement pattern similarity.
Tracks each shot individually, analyze trends.
Green: hold/sighting. Yellow: trigger pull. Red: Shot breaking and recoil pattern.
NOTE: If your rifle does NOT have an accessory rail, call me. There are rail adapters available. If I don’t have the one we need I will order it prior to our instruction time.
Another example, we train safely for speed and accuracy under pressure (or compete against friends) with a dueling tree, which we have on our range for both pistol and rifle, a target made for two.
Below is a brief video (10:52) with Rob Leatham – World Champion shooter, on some drills with a dueling tree:
There are many options for marksmanship training, and these options also blend in well with defensive pistol shooting and personal protection classes. We can tailor a program to fit you needs. If you need marksmanship training contact me and I will come up with a plan custom made for you !
Basic course price:
- Course price: $60.00 This price covers 1.5 hours of instruction on a live fire range. If additional time is needed we will arrange a negotiated hourly rate.
- To register now, click the dollar icon below to register and make your non-refundable payment in full for this class.
Call me to schedule your private range time with me, before you make a deposit please.
To browse our secure online store, click the ‘shopping cart’ icon below to see a listing of all the courses we provide:
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Search for classes by month. Then click on the specific class, on the calendar below, for further information and a map to our location.
Calendar of Events
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Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 1
Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 1
"Marksmanship Simplified" explores the mechanics of hitting a target and makes success attainable for both novice and experienced shooters. George Harris, co-founder of the Sig Sauer Academy and currently with… Continue reading Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 1
Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 2
Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 2
In Lesson 2, a staple of high-quality training, dry-fire drills, allow you to practice while observing what your body does naturally. This progressive approach to training helps to develop proper… Continue reading Marksmanship Simplified – Lesson 2
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CONTACT ME: You can request a special class date, time or location here, and I’ll contact you within 24 hours. Contact me for questions or group rates.