If you are looking for Concealed Carry Classes, here’s a quick list of what we offer… click the red / blue links for details. All of these class are approved by the governing authority in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and all of the concealed carry courses are within a few dollars of each other in price.

If you need to know detailed legal requirements to obtain a Concealed Carry Permit in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, click the gavel below:

RF’s Concealed Carry Course click here
🌟 Preferred Concealed Carry Course. Includes simulator training at no extra cost.

USCCA Concealed Carry Course click here
2nd choice. Good course – no simulator training.

KY DOCJT Concealed Carry Class click here
3rd choice. State sponsored course. Old materials, old techniques.

NRA Basic Pistol Course (accepted for CCDW in KY) click here
4th choice. NRA classes are great, and this class is accepted in Kentucky, but, the NRA never intended this class to be a Concealed Carry class. It’s a basic pistol. class. Lacks legal training among other things.

Gift Certificates are available for your convenience:

CONTACT ME: Feel free to call me of you have any questions. You may call or email. 1-270-893-5808.